Thursday, October 7, 2021

Resubmitting phd thesis

Resubmitting phd thesis

resubmitting phd thesis

Resubmitting Phd Thesis We work with an aim to build long term relationship with our clients. We offer cheap rates which makes us cheap essay writing service/10() is a top-notch writing service that Resubmitting A Phd Thesis has continued to offer high quality essays, research papers and coursework help to students for several years. Since inception, we have amassed top talent through rigorous recruiting process in addition to using sophisticated design and tools in order to Resubmitting A Phd Thesis deliver the best results/10() This chat is Resubmitting A Phd Thesis available round-the-clock, and with it, you can always reach our friendly support Resubmitting A Phd Thesis representatives to ask any questions you have! Also, we are Resubmitting A Phd Thesis one of the few services that give you the possibility to chat with the helper who is implementing your task. This feature helps students to /10()

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If you have been following this blog for a little while then you will know that back in September I submitted my PhD thesisand then three months later in December I successfully defended my thesis and passed my viva. Since then I am no longer a Resubmitting phd thesis student and started my new job in science communicationso why have I had to resubmit my PhD thesis? So here is the thing — when I passed my viva I left the room as Dr Soph …. Resubmitting phd thesis be awarded my PhD officially there were still a few more steps I had to complete starting with thesis corrections.

There are a few different outcomes from a viva, resubmitting phd thesis. You can fail — possible, but unlikely at this stage. You can pass with no corrections — again possible, but very rare here in the UK at least.

And then the most common outcomes — pass with either minor or major corrections. Luckily, I only got a small number of minor corrections. All I needed to do was make a resubmitting phd thesis formatting changes, tweak some figures, correct some spelling errors and just clarify a few things, resubmitting phd thesis.

Really not that much, but these are the sorts of things that come under minor corrections. This could be anything from re-writing sections or whole chapters, to new analysis or additional experiments. While that might sound significantly more daunting, resubmitting phd thesis, you do get more time to do these things and the level of major correction varies place to place.

As I said I had a few minor corrections to make to my thesis and three months to do them. Christmas was immediately following my viva so there was no chance that I was going to do them then — by that point I was sick of looking at this mountain of paper! Then the new year came around and I was starting my new job and moving house with a whole new routine. Before I knew it, I only had a few more weeks before my deadline, resubmitting phd thesis, and not many available weekend days to work on it either.

Long story short — I got my corrections done and submitted on time, resubmitting phd thesis, but my god how I wish I had done it sooner! My advice to anyone who has thesis corrections to make is to just do them as soon as possible, resubmitting phd thesis. But trust me it is harder a few weeks later to build up the enthusiasm to open that document again and try and jog your memory about exactly what you need resubmitting phd thesis change.

When I resubmitted my thesis after making my corrections, it goes back to my internal examiner for checking. Once they are happy with the edits, my PhD thesis is then complete! So while I resubmitted my PhD thesis back resubmitting phd thesis March and this week got the letter from the Graduate School confirming that all my changes had been accepted, resubmitting phd thesis, there are still more hoops I have to jump through.

I have to submit a hard copy of my corrected thesis and an electronic copy on CD — yes a CD! Plus — I know I will have to get a hard bound copy of my thesis printed, so not sure where that comes in. Now I have sad this out loud, maybe the hard copy I need to re-resubmit is a hard bound resubmitting phd thesis. I need to check that out! Anyway, the point of writing this resubmitting phd thesis post was to give you a PhD update. Probably not something you were expecting from me, right?

There are many more steps afterwards that you need to fulfil in order to be become an official Dr! Many steps that I simply did not realise would be required when I was applying for my PhD all those years ago, or even starting my PhD really.

So, I wanted to write this post to give an honest account of my whole PhD journey — I will be filling in bits in due course — but I want current and future PhD students to know as much information about the process as they possibly can.

What was your experience with thesis corrections? Is the process different in your country? I would love to learn more about your experiences and the differences, so please share below and help current and future PhD students from across the globe navigate their PhD journey! I asked this question on Twitter recently, but would love to know your thoughts too. When in the PhD process do you become Dr? Let me know in the comments.

If you enjoyed this post, then please hit like, write a comment or share it with your family and friends for resubmitting phd thesis to discover the joys of science too. Or you could pin it using the graphic below. It would really mean so much to me. Or you can always subscribe to Soph talks science in the menu to never miss out on any science inspiration and curiosity ever again. Follow this link or click on the graphic below to find an awesome little something for you or someone you love and give back at the same time!

Contact me on FacebookTwitter or Instagram. Go and treat yourself to a little something special. Thank you, resubmitting phd thesis. D: the part about the CD is kinda ridiculous. So exciting though! I highly doubt you will need extra experiments. And even then, resubmitting phd thesis, you are the expert and you can defend what you have done.

Plus your examiners should understand the whole time and money issue that come with research. What stage are you at? I am now Sophie Arthur PhD or Dr Soph for short — well after a few minor corrections and a bit of paperwork anyway. This is only one step closer to being awarded that degree and title of Dr. Now I have submitted my resubmitting phd thesis, it will be sent off to my examiners in preparation for my viva or defence — an oral exam where I will have to defend and justify all my research, but more on that in future posts.

And then in a few months, I will have to resubmit my thesis all over again. Oh really? Then you defend the corrected thesis? Could it be that you have to correct things again afterwards depending on what comes up in your defence? The defence is public, which is also partly why the thesis should be available to the general public before the defence, so that anyone can criticise and scrutinise my work.

On defence day, I first have to give a trial lecture of exactly 45 min on resubmitting phd thesis topic revealed to me 14 days before, which is within my field, but not my exact topic. If I pass, I can use up to 45 min to present my thesis. Then the 2 opponents take turns in questioning my work and discussing my opinions on the subject. And surviving this, I got my title ��. parts of this terrify me and there are parts I wish my journey was like instead. Where do the rest go?

And you have to present for 45 minutes before you even get a chance to present your own work? What topic was your PhD on and what topic did you have to present first? Thank you — I guess if you corrected before, then doing it again would just be silly. One round of corrections is plenty in my opinion.

Thank you for sharing your experience here ��. I still have PhD things to share. I have new tips and advice about life after the PhD to share, and also general scicomm […], resubmitting phd thesis.

While each of them was a huge celebratory moment, there […]. It appears I now have a toddler to go alongside my baby aka my PhD thesis. I had passed my viva, but there were a few minor corrections I had to do before resubmitting my thesis. And then I had to wait for paperwork so it could all be awarded, and then there was graduation.

This post hoped to clear up any questions around this and more importantly for people not to feel bad about […]. Why I had to resubmit my PhD thesis? April 8, THE PHD JOURNEY. At what point on the PhD journey does a PhD end? What are thesis corrections? Making minor corrections As I said I had a few minor corrections to make to my thesis and three months to do them.

So, resubmitting phd thesis, are you a doctor now? Unofficially — yes! Officially — still no! Share this: Twitter Facebook Pinterest LinkedIn Email. Like this: Like Loading PhD milestones PhD student PhD thesis. jeremyjames Resubmitting phd thesis 12, at am. Nearly there! Soph Arthur April 12, at am.

megisacat April 12, at am. Hello world. Hilde April 12, resubmitting phd thesis pm. Soph Arthur April 12, at pm. Hilde April 13, at resubmitting phd thesis. Soph Arthur April 16, at am.

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resubmitting phd thesis

This chat is Resubmitting A Phd Thesis available round-the-clock, and with it, you can always reach our friendly support Resubmitting A Phd Thesis representatives to ask any questions you have! Also, we are Resubmitting A Phd Thesis one of the few services that give you the possibility to chat with the helper who is implementing your task. This feature helps students to /10() By Resubmitting Phd Thesis making an order beforehand, not only do you save money but also let your dissertation writer alter the paper as many times as you need within the day free revision period. If you have a complicated task at hand, the /10() Resubmitting Phd Thesis We work with an aim to build long term relationship with our clients. We offer cheap rates which makes us cheap essay writing service/10()

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