· blogger.com city of El Paso passed a texting while driving ordinance in , but effective Sept. 1, texting while driving became illegal across the entire state of Texas “”One in five crashes in Texas is caused by distracted driving,”” said TxDOT Executive Director James Bass. (TxDot, ) · Texting and driving has become a recent issue in today's society. Many accidents are blamed on distracted driving and most of the distractions are caused by cell phone usage. Using acell phone, whether talking or texting, while driving can be extremely dangerous. It is obvious that texting and driving is extremely dangerous, but the majority [ ]/5(44) Texting while driving is one danger many do not realize until something drastic happens. Texting while driving is not only a threat to us, but as well as other drivers, passengers, and pedestrians. However, with the lack of enforcement on the laws and punishments, the use of cell phones while driving does not come as a threat to drivers, which needs to change
Texting While Driving, Persuasive Essay Sample
With the onset of modern day technology, individuals are now in a better position to communicate easily with others despite their busy schedules, texting while driving essay, regardless of where they are or what they may be doing at that particular time. This habit of texting while driving has been perceived by majority of individuals and authorities as being dangerous McCartt 1. As much as majority of American individuals and the rest of the world may agree that texting while driving is not only distracting but also dangerous, there are a few individuals who may argue that texting while driving should be made legal.
When SMS, also known as Short Message Service was introduced in the cellular phone industry, it immediately became evident texting while driving essay it should be considered as a danger as far as road safety is concerned McCartt 3. To consider both sides of the coin, it is wise to state a few advantages and disadvantages of texting while driving.
This is because those of the older generation did not grow up using such technology unlike the younger ones who have been brought texting while driving essay having learned to use the cellular phones at an early age. Texting while driving should be made illegal. An example is given of an individual who was on his way to Seattle and happened to take his eyes off the road in order to scan an email on his mobile phone McCartt 5.
It then plowed into a city bus that was moving in the opposite direction. Fortunately no one was seriously hurt from the incident, texting while driving essay. A few states in American are now proposing bills that would ensure fining of drivers if caught texting while driving McCartt Current laws as concerns road safety only allow law enforcement officers to pull over drivers who have been caught texting while driving if they have committed another law as well as far as road safety is concerned.
In the states of New Jersey, Washington, Virgin Islands and California, laws banning the use of cellular phones while driving are already being implemented. In order for texting while driving to become illegal, governments as well as societies in general need to contribute to the implementation of policies and laws set forth for this reason.
For instance, parents should clearly state the consequences involved as concerns breaking the law texting while driving essay driving as this has been observed to be a major contributor in the prevention of unnecessary road accidents. The older generation or adults should be a good example for the younger ones through reinforcement of good driving habits as well as praising their efforts in doing what is right under the road safety laws and regulations, texting while driving essay.
Beede, Kristen E. and Kass, Steven J. Ishigami, Yoko and Klein, Raymond M. McCartt, Anne T. Driven to Distraction: Technological Devices and Vehicle Safety. Arlington, Va: Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.
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Texting and Driving Photo Essay
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Second, texting while driving also leads to physical driver distraction. It affects driver’s lateral vehicle control as busy hands lead to slower responses to hazards. Third, those who text while driving, spend nearly 10% of their time outside their lane. By doing so, the drivers put the pedestrians and other drivers under the risk Texting while driving causes distraction and increases their chances of getting involved in car accidents. Such concerns have been raised by various government authorities, in trying to prevent such occurrences new laws have been enacted making cell phone use in cars illegal. However, not many people follow these laws, most people text and drive, assuming that they can pay attention to other cars. You often see people, texting or going through their phone while driving · Texting is a major factor when it comes to crashes and creating a hazardous situation, so preventing the usage of cell phones while driving would be a large step in limiting the number of crashes that happen in the United States. There are multiple associations that are already trying to prevent cell phone blogger.comted Reading Time: 10 mins
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